
Display a UIKit UIView inside a SwiftUI View

iOS Swift SwiftUI UIKit UIView WKWebView

SwiftUI can display a UIKit UIView. Adapting UIViews keeps UIKit programming to a minimum by allowing SwiftUI views to supplement UIViews. For example, a WKWebView with an overlaid ProgressView.

SwiftUI showing a WKWebview

SwiftUI View

The WebView declares a ZStack, and places the ProgressView on top of the WebViewSwiftUIAdapter at the bottom of the page.

The WebView owns the estimatedProgress and is annotated with the @State property wrapper.

struct WebView: View {
    @State var estimatedProgress: Float = 0.0
    let url: URL
    var body: some View {
        ZStack(alignment: .bottomLeading) {
            WebViewSwiftUIAdapter(estimatedProgress: $estimatedProgress, url: url)
            if estimatedProgress < 1.0 {
                ProgressView(value: estimatedProgress)
                    .frame(maxWidth: .infinity)


The SwiftUIAdapter suffix can be used to identify any Swift UI views that wrap a UIView.

These adapters implement UIViewRepresentable. UIViewRepresentable has two functions requiring implementation. SwiftUI calls makeUIView when it creates a view. SwiftUI calls updateUIView when it updates the view.

The makeCoordinator function returns a Coordinator. A Coordinator instance is of an associatedtype that allows communication between SwiftUI and UIKit.

struct WebViewSwiftUIAdapter: UIViewRepresentable {
    @Binding var estimatedProgress: Float
    let url: URL
    let webView = WKWebView()
    func makeCoordinator() -> WebViewCoordinator {
    func makeUIView(context: Context) -> WKWebView {
        let request = URLRequest(url: url)
        return webView
    func updateUIView(_ webView: WKWebView, context: Context) {}


The WebViewCoordinator has a reference to the parent WebViewSwiftUIAdapter. The WebViewCoordinator can interact with the parent’s webView and estimatedProgress properties.

The WebViewCoordinator subscribes to estimatedProgress updates from the webView. When the webView estimatedProgress changes, the WebViewCoordinator updates the parent’s estimatedProgress. Since the parent’s estimatedProgress is a Binding to the SwiftUI view’s State property, SwiftUI updates the view.

class WebViewCoordinator: NSObject {
    let parent: WebViewSwiftUIAdapter
    var cancellable: AnyCancellable?
    init(_ parent: WebViewSwiftUIAdapter){
        self.parent = parent
        cancellable = parent.webView.publisher(for: \.estimatedProgress)
            .receive(on: RunLoop.main)
            .sink{ [weak self] in
                self?.parent.estimatedProgress = Float($0)


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